Monday, December 8, 2008

All this time

So as I think all of you know, I have had a small little business I got into with my mom about two years ago. While I haven't really had the time to get the business going, having kids kind of sucks up all of your time. I have managed to sell my things on the internet and they are all over the world. I have so many repeat customers that I ship to internationally, but I was really hoping to get my products sold here locally. Well it has finally happened, and guess what? Its not a porn shop. For all of you who are thinking, "what the heck?" I have had very little luck selling my pens and lighters to "normal" stores. For one reason or another, I haven't really figured it out yet, its all porn shop owners or sex conferences that purches the pens and lighter cases.

My products are now proudly being sold in Washington Square Mall! Hopefully I will be branching out to other places soon. Maybe once we get moved, I can hitup the little mom and pop shops in Lafayette. I am planning to come up with time markers and corkers...since there are TONS of vineyards around me!

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