Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The raising of the flag

For years John has always said he was going to put a flag pole in the front yard of his home. And as usual when we are with the Sigler's we end up buying this, but its ALWAYS fun! Anyhow, we finally bought out flag pole and the Sigler's did too. Right now ours proudly displays the American Flag but look out, when football season comes it's all Steelers baby! And yes, the Sigler's will have Seahawks (that was ACTUALLY painful for me to type) But have no fear, I will get a Steelers flag on their pole too! ;)

It may seem silly to most people for us to take pictures of the flag going up at our house, but it is a big deal to us. Its our way of honoring John A. Duncan and forever remembering the wonderful things papa brought to our lives. We display the flag to honor those who have given so much to make our lives better.

Oh and while the rest of us were outside in the cold freezing out tukus' off, Natalia was th eonly smart one, inside looking at the raising of the flag through the windows!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tif, I just have to ask... what the heck was John wearing that day!? Basketball shorts, an argyle sweater and athletic shoes!? It definitely made me chuckle. I think he's starting to really fit in out there in Dundee.
PS. Love the flag...