It was a typical Wednesday afternoon in the Duncan house. The kids were playing having a good time. Alexander was eating a bowl of popcorn when he tripped over his sisters foot. When he came crashing to the ground his neck slammed into the Tupperware container his popcorn was in. I didn't think it was that big of a deal until I set him on the counter and asked him what was hurt. He couldn't talk, he pointed to the side of his neck and there was this huge bulge on his neck. It looked like there was this huge mass in his neck and he began to turn blue and was having trouble breathing. We immediately put ice on the bulge and decided he needed to be taken to the hospital. At this point he was talking to us and he was breathing again, but not normal. We explained to Natalia and my Nephew, Sam that Alexander had to go to the hospital to make sure he was ok. Natalia immediately started crying and kept saying it was an accident and she was so scared her brother was going to die. We assured her he was going to be ok, he just needed to be seen by a doctor to make sure they didn't need to give him any "medicine" to make him 100% better.
Once we were all in the car, Maria driving, me in back seat with Xander, we explained to the kids he was going to be fine and everyone needed to stay calm because we were trying to keep Xander from being upset. When he would cry or talk the bulge would raise out more. Maria told the kids to pray, pray that God will keep him safe. I began to pray in my head, but Sam, prayed out loud. He prayed to God to heal his cousin and make him better because he didn't want him to be hurt and he wanted him to be ok. Ok, let me tell you, this was the SWEETEST thing I have ever heard a 4 year old do, Maria and I were welling up with tears because it was just so sweet!
We got to the hospital safely, John had just pulled in right before us. He came and Got Xander out of the car and the three of us went in. Xander was breathing better but not himself. We explained what happened and they put us right into a room. The nurse began talking to us, checking his temp, blood pressure, blah blah blah...you know the drill. About 5 minutes later Xander snapped out of it and was totally fine, the bulge was almost GONE. It was the strangest thing ever. I think the nurse was a little surprised too! She looked him over said he looked great and to bring him back if we had anymore issues.
Besides just being a little sore where he hit, he is doing wonderfully.
THE POWER OF PRAYER is truly amazing.
Neither Maria or myself self Wednesday night. WE were talking yesterday about how we were so energized by the holy spirit and his fast healing, it was amazing and overwhelming. God is great and Sam is a little hero in my book this week!