Thursday, September 18, 2008

Alexanders first trip to the ER

As most of you know our little Monkey Man had to go the the ER on Tuesday night with a fever. As I type this we are sitting in the pediatrics center at St. Vincent. And we are being helped by the best nurses in the hospital!

We came into the ER with a 100.7 temp, which apparently in an infant his age is bad. They automatically run every test known to man. Since babies under one month are so fragile they want to make sure they are not missing a single thing. They do blood, urine, snot, spinal tap, and chest x-rays. At 9am tomorrow morning we will know whats going on.

He was getting better yesterday but then had a really bad night last night and a rough morning. After not sleeping at all last night he woke up this morning throwing up, with a fever and an IV that decided it did not want to work anymore. The nurse had to restart a new IV. The new IV didn't take in his hand so they had to move it to his arm. Then he was doing better this afternoon, unfortunately he got a fever again. The fever is going down right now, so lets hope it goes away all together.

So basically we have been playing the waiting game while they pump him with IV fluids and antibiotics.

Here are some pictures of his trip.

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