Monday, August 10, 2009

Camping in Fort Stevens

Our good fiend Adam is blessed to have his birthday during the best time of the year to go camping. Usually the firs part of August is gorgeous weather, this year it was a little rainy at the coast but we didn't let that stop us from having a great time!

There were lots of us there, 5 campsites, lots of children, good drinks, friends, and food!

This was also the first camping trip Natalia could remember and the first one for Alexander! They had the best time and we are already planning the trip for next year. Us Duncan's are planning another weekend to go camping already too!

The kids were just chillin when we first got there and were setting up.

Sam and Nat (the love birds)

Tiffany (alexander) and Kristen. I swear there was coffee in that cup! HAHA

Nat being the poser she suddenly is!

Guys being guys

Nat and a marshmallow

Papa, the best darn fire stoker!

Ty Ty


Nat roasting

This is what happens when all they have are showers and you don't really want to be setting your kids down on a public shower floor!

bath time



Some of the kids

All the kids


The Sigler's

The Duncan's

Silly Boys!

Nat and Ben

Nat and Ben

Kristen and Adam

Tif and Kristen

Us girls: Tiffany, Kristen, and Jenn




Nat and Ben


Well do I need to say aything?

Lisa was showing Nat Santa in the peanut! This was so funny for both of them!

Ben and Lisa

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